AutoStreamer - Liquid Fertilizer
The BFS AutoStreamer is a’ Perfect Partner’ for a flow based rate controller. To ensure the accurate application of liquid fertilizer the operator has only to "enter the US gallons per acre required, factor in the specific gravity (SG) and begin to apply. Changing the application rate is equally simple and undertaken from within the cab.The AutoStreamer is manufactured in chemical resistant, glass reinforced plastic and easily fitted to most boom sprayers.
How does it work?
Using a clever quad-valve system encased in a specially developed rubber sleeve, the AutoStreamer allows the operator to achieve, a ten-fold increase in flow rates from only a three-fold increase in pressure. As the liquid fertilizer enters the AutoStreamer the flow is channeled into four individual outlets.
AutoStreamer Features
Precision: Ensure the accurate placement of liquid fertilizer and avoids application overlap.
Efficient: Allows liquid fertilizers to be applied under a wide range of field and climatic condition and right up to the field boundaies.
Economics: Saves on waste and offers increased speed of application and better utilization of labour and machinery.
Protection: Removes risk of drift contamination, run off to ditches and hedgerows minimises crop scorch.
AutoStreamer Application Chart
Now you can have precision, variable-rate application of liquid fertilizers, with the rate adjustment from within the cab.